Fancy Bear Hamster: Everything You Need To Know

Fancy Bear Hamster: Everything You Need To Know

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What Can I Give My Hamster To Gnaw On? 7 Best Options!

What Can I Give My Hamster To Gnaw On

A hamster’s teeth never stop growing, and they need to gnaw on things throughout the day in order to keep their teeth from getting too long. So, what can I give my hamster to gnaw on? Hamsters need something that is safe and healthy for them to chew on. Here are some ideas on things that hamsters can gnaw on:

1. Wood Blocks 

These are small pieces of wood with a variety of shapes. They come in different sizes and you can buy many types like pine, cedar or cherry. The best part about these little blocks is they don’t have an odor and will not stain your carpet or furniture because the chewing doesn’t cause any liquids to be released from the block.

2. Cardboard Tubes 

A cardboard tube is an excellent option for hamsters to gnaw on. You can find them at most stores in a variety of sizes, colors, and flavors.

3. Paper Towel/Toilet Paper Rolls

This is what I give my hamsters to chew on in their cage every day! They are free for the taking at most households or public restrooms. You can also use cereal boxes that you would otherwise throw away. Once again, they come in many shapes, sizes and textures, which your small fuzzy friend will love chewing up throughout his entire lifetime!

4. Wooden Sticks

These are sold at pet shops but are usually only available when outside temperatures drop because wood needs to be kept dry or rot easily when exposed to moisture. It’s not fun watching the little guy eat part of a stick until he sees what’s inside…a worm or some other creepy-crawly thing.

5. Treat Sticks

These are sold in pet stores and what I give my hamsters to chew on when they get a little older (about four months) is because the wood is thicker and takes them longer to gnaw through it. You can also make your own treat sticks by soaking apple or grape twigs overnight, then drying them out for two days, removing the bark with an exact knife before giving them to your furry friends!

6. Cooked Corn Cob

This is what I give my hamsters as their main dietary source of food instead of dry food pellets that most people feed their small fuzzy friend every day, which is not good due to the lack of nutrients found within those pelleted foods.

7. Forage Balls

These are what you put in the cages for your small furry friend so he can hunt around his habitat for food all day long! All you have to do is take a jar lid, fill it with seeds or pellets, and place it inside the habitats wheel so that when Hammy spins away, he gets rewarded with yummy goodness! You can also hide fruits or veggies in there too if you feel like spoiling him rotten every once in a while.

Why Hamsters Love Chewing on Things?

Constant chewing helps them maintain healthy teeth and gums, which help keep their mouth clean. Hamsters also enjoy chewing on things because it’s what natural instinct tells them to do. They are also full of energy, so when they chew, it gives them something to do so they don’t get bored or distracted.  

Why Is My Hamster Climbing And Biting Cage?

If you’ve noticed your hamster climbing and biting the cage, it’s important not to panic; hamsters mostly bite the cage when they don’t have anything to chew on. However, sometimes biting a cage is also considered to exhibit normal cage territorial behavior and try to mark its territory as its own. This behavior may be heightened by a need for attention from you, the owner. Therefore, provide your hamster with more time outside of their cage and spend time interacting with it daily and keep enough chewable toys inside their cage.

How Can I Stop My Hamster From Chewing The Bars?

  • Provide plenty of chew toys
  • Give them more time outside their cage each day
  • Make sure they have enough food and water in the cage
  • Keep your hamster’s nails trimmed so that he doesn’t get too frustrated while chewing on things
  • Check your hamster’s teeth and trim them if necessary
  • Clean up any chewed-up bits after they’re done chewing on things!

How To Stop Hamster Chewing Wooden Cage?

It is not very difficult to stop hamsters from chewing wooden cages. You just need to make sure the cage provides an enjoyable environment for your pet, which will keep it busy all day long. You need to know that hamsters are very active animals and most of their activity consists of chewing. So, if they have a lot of free time and don’t have anything to chew on, the chances are high that they will spend it by gnawing on their wooden cage.

It would be best if you took some simple precautions such as adding more objects for him/her to play with and keep busy all day long while you’re out at work or school. You could also add treats like dried fruit pieces or seeds, which he/she would enjoy eating during the day. You could also use a treat ball or chew toys to keep him/her entertained.

In my recent article, I have review a few best hamster cages that come with toys to keep your hamster entertained.

Final Thoughts On What Can I Give My Hamster To Gnaw On

Hamsters are little rodents that enjoy chewing on things. They can chew wood, plastic, and metal if they have the chance to do so. If your hamster is climbing up his cage and start biting the bars, they may need something to gnaw on. I have many safe things in this article that are safe for your hamsters to gnaw on. Be sure not to give him anything too hard or unsafe because he might break his teeth chewing on it. We recommend giving him something safe and relatively small.

If you want more ideas on What Can I Give My Hamster To Gnaw On, please let me know by leaving a comment below! I’ll get back with suggestions as quickly as possible!

What Kind Of Sand To Use For Hamsters?

What Kind Of Sand To Use For Hamsters

Sand is a popular bedding or bathing option for hamsters because it’s inexpensive and easily replaceable. However, what kind of sand should you use for hamsters is a question asked by many hamster owners. This article will explore the different options available to determine what kind of sand to use for hamsters.

What kind of sand To for hamsters? Use plain sand that does not have any added chemicals, dyes, salt or minerals. Chinchilla or desert sand could be good options, make sure to use dry sand instead of wet sand. 

The Best Hamster Sand You Can Buy

Sand Name Types Amount Where To Buy
Zoo Med ReptiSandDesert White 10 lbsSee Details
Supreme Tiny Friends Farm Bathing SandChinchilla Sand 2.2 lbsSee Details
Hamster Bathing SandChinchilla Dust2 lbsSee Details
Niteangel Hamster Desert Bath SandNatural & Real Desert Sand 6 lbsSee Details
BUCATSTATE Hamster Desert SandDesert Sand5.5 lbsSee Details

How Much Sand Do I Need To Fill Up My Hamster’s Cage?

To fill up a portion of the cage, you would need about 2 to 5 lbs of sand. This will allow you enough for a deep layer that your hamster can easily dig in and play with without any problem.

Remember that the 10 lbs of sand will only fill up about half to two-thirds of an average-sized hamster’s cage i.e. 450 square Inch cage. I would recommend purchasing the largest-sized bag possible so it won’t cost you extra money when replacing it with new sand.

Once the cage has been set up and filled with sand, you must watch your pet closely to ensure they don’t get sand inside their eyes, ears, or mouth.

Can I Give My Hamster Sand From The Beach Or Calcium Sand?

No, never give your hamster beach sand from the ocean. The salt in seawater can irritate a hamster’s skin and respiratory system. Even worse, the ocean contains bacteria and parasites that might be transferred to your hamster if you use beach sand. However, if you live near a lake, river, or pond where there is no ocean water, it might be okay to use sand, but the sand must be dried and sterilized before use.

Note: You can sterilize the sand by baking it at 350° Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

No, never use calcium sand for your hamster. Calcium additives in the sand are meant to be used by reptiles and amphibians that live on dry land. Even though some people have success using it, there is no available evidence proving what kind of benefits calcium has for a hamster’s health or habitat.

Can You Use Aquarium Gravel Instead Of Sand?

The short answer is yes! Just be aware that there are some potential downsides to using this type of bedding that do not exist when using regular play or sandbox sand.

Aquarium gravel is often used in freshwater fish tanks, but it also can also be used for hamsters. Though this type of bedding does not contain germs or bacteria like sand can, which is important for caring for your pet health. However, Aquarium gravel doesn’t provide the same level of comfort that sand will provide, but that isn’t all there is to consider. You need to take into account that aquarium gravel may have sharp edges which could pose a potential danger to your hamster.

In addition, sand can help keep your hamster’s teeth from overgrowing. However, the edges of aquarium gravel may also pose a threat to their teeth because it could cause them to break or fracture if they are sharp enough.

How Do I Clean My Hamster’s Sand?

You should clean the sand every week. The best way to do this is by sifting it through a wire mesh strainer or colander. Wire mesh will catch unwanted things like food pieces and other debris in the sand.

Changing the sand every 15 days (max 30 days) keeps odors down while also keeping things fresh for your pet! However, if left unchanged over time, some smells could become much too strong for them, making them feel uncomfortable! So remember to keep up on changing once per 15 days.

How Deep Should A Hamster Sand Bath Be?

A sand bath should be deep enough for your hamster to roll around in. However, depending on the hamster types and size, a hamster sand bath should be between 1 to 3 inches deep. ( 1 inch for Dwarf and Robo hamsters, 2 to 3 inches for Syrian hamster or another big hamster breed)

However, if you notice your little friend struggling to get up or climb out of the container, make it shallower by adding more sand!  

Summary On What Kind Of Sand To Use For Hamsters

It’s important to get the right kind of sand for your hamster. Ideally, you should use a type that doesn’t have any chemicals in it and is safe if ingested ( I have mentioned a few safest and best sand for hamsters above). You also want to make sure there’s enough so they don’t feel cramped or bored while inside their cage. And finally, be mindful about how deep you fill-up the bathtub – too shallow may not provide adequate bathing space while too deep can lead to drowning hazards!

How Do Hamsters Get Mites? [7 Reasons, 4 Tips]

How Do Hamsters Get Mites

Hamsters have become popular pocket pets worldwide due to their docile nature, ease of care, and low cost. However, hamster owners may be unaware that their hamsters can be infested with various parasitic pests like mites or bugs, which cause suffering and discomfort for these little creatures. So as a hamster owner, you should know how do hamsters get mites? I did a quick research on the following topic, and here’s what I know:

How do hamsters get mites? Mites might be transferred onto the hamster’s skin if they came in contact with other animals or from their beading that is already contaminated with parasites. Sometimes they can also get mites from foods if it is too old or rotten. 

Human scabies mites can also transfer to hamsters if they come in contact with people having mites. However, human scabies can’t reproduce on hamster, that means hamster will not become infected with human scabies mites, but the mites can cause rashes on hamsters skin.

Are Mites Dangerous To Hamsters?

Mites can be very dangerous to your pet hamster, and they can cause skin irritations, hair loss and make them anemic. If left untreated, mites may even cause death for your pet.

To remove and treat mites or parasites, you should contact a veterinarian or specialized center to help you with the best-suited treatment for your pet if your pet’s skin is infested with mites.  

It may be hard to spot the first signs of an infestation, so constantly checking their skin and fur is important.

You can use the soap towel method to identify the mites in the hamster. Use a white towel and soak it in soap water, then use the towel to rub on your hamster fur. If there are mites, they will stick to the white towel. 

How Do I Know If My Hamster Has Mites? 

If you notice that your hamster is scratching itself excessively or its fur looks thin in places, it could have mites, but the only way you will be 100% sure is if a vet carries out tests on your furry friend. 

You can check for signs of possible mite infections by looking closely at the skin around your hamster’s eyes and ears for any scabs or dry patches of skin. You can also inspect their hair coat for any bald patches or flaky skin that may look a little like dandruff.  

To remove the mites, you should bathe your hamster with baby shampoo or mild soap designed for sensitive skin to avoid any irritation. Then remove all the shampoo completely from the coat before drying it gently.

Will Mites Go Away On its Own?

Most of the Mites are not harmful to hamsters and will usually go away on their own. But, if your hamster has a mite infestation, you should talk to a vet about how to treat it.

hamster at vet

If you suspect your hamster gets ill, you can use mites spray to remove mites after getting mites. However, if the condition gets serious, like hair loss or infection in the skin, it’s better to consult a veteran for proper treatment.

What Other Illnesses Could Be Mistaken For Having Mites On A Hamster?

One of the commonest illnesses which are mistaken for having mites on a hamster is scabies. Scabies is little irritating bugs that hide underneath the skin surface and cause itchiness all over the body.

It is difficult to identify because they do not turn up at once but usually show up after 2-6 weeks of infection. They tend to be worse during summer-time or warm climate as this results in increased sweating that offers more grip for the bug to hang on.

Symptoms may include rashes, intense itching all over the body, including inside thighs, underarms, around nipples or genital parts, etc.

How To Get Rid Of Hamster Mites Naturally

  • Clean your hamster’s cage every day.
  • Change the bedding in the cage at least once a week.
  • Wash all of the toys in hot water with soap and let them dry completely before putting them back into the cage.
  • Place food items that are not eaten after 24 hours outside of the cage to avoid attracting pests.
  • Keep your hamster’s house, wheel, and exercise ball clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth or using an old toothbrush to scrub away any buildup.
  • Avoid handling your hamster too much as this can make mites spread more quickly.

Summary on How Do Hamsters Get Mites?

Mites are hard to get rid of and should be taken seriously. If you notice your hamster scratching a lot or showing other signs that might indicate mites, it’s best to take them in for an examination by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, they may develop more serious health problems from the stress these parasites can cause on their systems. Mite infestation is very common among pet rodents, so if you suspect something like this is happening with your furry friend, don’t hesitate to seek medical advice.

How Long Can A Dwarf Hamster Go Without Food?

Dwarf hamsters are one of the more popular types of pet rodents. They’re relatively inexpensive and easy to take care of. However, if you want to go on vacation and want to leave your hamster at home a question may arise in your mind,  how long can a dwarf hamster go without food? I did a quick research on the topic and here’s what I know:

How long can a dwarf hamster go without food? A dwarf hamster can go anywhere from 2 days to 3 days without food before it will become malnourished, starve or even die. Some dwarf hamsters can go longer than 3 days, but it depends on how much they weigh and how much fat is stored in their body.

How Often Should I Feed My Dwarf Hamster?

A dwarf hamster should be fed once daily, and how much it eats depends on the size of the dwarf hamster. A small amount of food can go a long way for this type of rodent, so feed them only what they will finish in one sitting. Read my recent article where I explain what to feed a dwarf hamster.

You should weigh your dwarf hamster to determine how much they need, or how often you will have to feed them. An average size dwarf hamster should eat 1 tablespoon of hamster food each day.

What Are The Signs Of Hunger In A Dwarf Hamster?

  • A lack of activity
  • Cravings for food 
  • Increased thirst
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Lethargy 
  • Open Mouth  

How Long Can Dwarf Hamster Be Left Alone?

A dwarf hamster can be left alone for up to one-week maximum, but you should provide them enough food for 7 days. You can place a food bowl inside the hamster cage and provide food in it.

When you’re going on a vacation or anything longer than that, make sure to have someone watch over your dwarf hamsters – maybe ask a friend or family member if they wouldn’t mind checking in once daily. 

Make sure to clean out the cage before leaving them alone so it doesn’t get too dirty while you’re gone and affects how well they’ll do when you come back (it will smell).

Are Dwarf Hamsters Easy To Take Care Of?

Dwarf hamsters are easy to take care of, as they require less space and fewer supplies than other small pets. 

It is also very important how big their enclosure is – there should not be more than one dwarf hamster per cage. Dwarf hamsters need places to hide when feeling threatened or just want some alone time, such as dark tunnels.

They also need a wheel for exercise and some toys that you can buy from the pet store, which will keep them active during their nighttime hours as well! 

Well, dwarf hamsters have very sensitive stomachs, so it’s important to make sure you give your new friend only healthy foods like fresh vegetables, fruits such as apples and pears but not grapes because these might cause diarrhea. You can also give them bits of hard-boiled egg yolks, cooked whole grain pasta (can be mixed with seeds and grains), bits of chicken, fish, or beef. 

Depending on how much they weigh, a Dwarf hamster will need about 20-30 grams (0.70 – 0.98 oz) of food per day. If you feel like your hamster is getting too fat or too thin, it’s best to talk with a veterinarian about how often and how much you should feed him!

What Should I Do If My Hamster Goes Hungry For Too Long?

If your hamster goes hungry for too long ( more than 3 days), it can become malnourished. It means their muscles and organs will not function properly and it can be fatal if not treated accordingly. 

A malnourished hamster must be taken to a vet right away. The vet will give the hamster fluids via an IV to keep their organs working properly and help them recuperate from starvation. 

If your hamster has gone hungry for a day or two, you can try to feed it small portions of pellets and seed. This should help the hamster’s digestive system get back on track. However, if you find them not eating, it is time to go to a vet.

How Many Days Can A Hamster Go Without Water?

A hamster can go anywhere from one day to three days without water. A dwarf hamster doesn’t drink much water, so they usually get the water from the food they eat, such as carrot, spinach, strawberry, etc. However, if you provide dry food, your hamster will love to drink water.

Summary on How Long Can A Dwarf Hamster Go Without Food

Dwarf Hamsters are easy to take care of! They can go without food for about 2 to 3 days max before it becomes weak and dies. There is no specific amount or frequency of water intake recommendations, but dwarf hamsters seem to drink more in the summer than in winter. 

Generally, these little guys do not need constant attention like other pets. If you go on a vacation, you can leave enough food for them inside the cage.  

Related Article

The Best 450 Square Inch Hamster Cage

hamster pup cage

The Importance of big size hamster case ( 450 square inch hamster cage) is that it allows the hamsters to feel safe and comfortable. You can also place different types of hamster toys inside the cage with enough space for your hamster to room around the cage.

Although they are small animals, even these little creatures deserve to have their own space and will appreciate their new home if it provides them with enough room in which to play around. By providing your pet with an ample living space that’s comfortable and interesting to explore day after day, you stand a better chance of keeping him healthy and happy—and perhaps ensuring he lives longer as well!

However, choosing the right 450 square inch hamster cage for your pet can be a difficult task. There are so many models out there that it is hard to know which one will suit your needs best. In this article, I review some of the top 450 square inch hamster cages on the market and help you decide which one suits you and your furry friend’s needs!

These Are The Best 450 Square Inch Hamster Cage 2021

Savic Hamster Heaven Metro Cage

450 square inch hamster cageSavic Hamster, Heaven Metro Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Metal & Plastic Combination
Color Multicolor ( blue, black, green, pink)
Weight 12.17 Pounds
Dimension 31.5 x 20 x 20 inches
Included Accessories Exercise Wheel, Tunnels, Food Bowls Water Bottle, Houses, Penthouse,
Warranty 1 Year
Pros Durable, Easy To Customize, Moveable,
Cons None

Aivituvin Upgraded 3 Tier Hamster Cage

Aivituvin Upgraded 3 Tier Hamster Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Plastic
Color Grey
Weight ‎33 pounds
Dimension 39 x 19.68 x 24.2 inches
Included Accessories Chewing Toy, Ramps, Seesaws, Hideout, Bowl
Warranty None
Pros Ventilation, Big Size, Durable Non-Toxic Plastic
Cons Not Customizable

Favola Hamster Cage

Favola Hamster Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Plastic & Metal Wire
Color Black
Weight 6.28 Pounds
Dimension 23.6 x 14.4 x 11.8 inches
Included Accessories Water Bottle, Hamster Hide-Out, Food Dish & Exercise Wheel
Warranty 1-Year Manufacturer's Warranty
Pros 2 Floors, Easy Maintenance, Good Quality
Cons None

PawHut 5 Tiers Hamster Cage

PawHut 5 Tiers Hamster Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Metal
Color Blue
Weight 10.12 pounds
Dimension 18.5 x 11.75 x 23.25 inches
Included Accessories Exercise Wheels, Tube , Ladder, house, Food Dishes, & Water Bottles
Warranty None
Pros Durable Metal Made, 5 Floors, Design
Cons Not Easy To Setup

PawHut 32 Inch L 4-Level Indoor Hamster Cage

 450 Square Inch Hamster Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Plastic & Metal
Color Cream White
Weight 6.1 Pounds
Dimension 32 x 20.75 x 43.25 inches
Included Accessories Not Included
Warranty None
Pros Easy To Move ( include 4 wheels), Easy To Clean
Cons Does Not Come With Accessories

Living World Deluxe Habitat

450 Square Inch Hamster Cage
See This Product On Amazon
Material Plastic
Color White
Weight 19 LBS
Dimension 46.9 x 22.8 x 24 Inches
Included Accessories Balcony, Ramp, Water bottle& Food Bowl
Warranty No warranty
Pros Easy To Assemble, Durable
Cons Limited Accessories

Ferplast Cavie Small Animal Cage

Aivituvin Upgraded 3 Tier Hamster Cage
Check Latest Price On Amazon
Material Wire & Plastic
Color Grey
Weight 6.1 Pounds
Dimension 30.31 x 18.9 x 16.54 inches
Included Accessories Food Dish, Big Size Hide-Out, Water Bottle ( drift Proof)
Warranty 1 Year
Pros Simple Clean Design, Easy To Clean, Lightweight
Cons Limited Space To Move Around

Why Do Hamsters Need 450 Square Inches?

Hamsters are small and they live in cages, which means their living space needs to be appropriately sized. There has been a lot of debate about this topic over the years, with some people saying that hamsters should have 1 square feet while others say they need 3-4 square feet. Research has shown the ideal size of hamsters cage should be 450 square inches ( the bigger the better).

I spoke with a few rodent experts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison about why these animals need to be kept in a large cage. They said that “hamsters are very social and active and they love to move around. So they need a lot of room to range around in their cage to live a happy and healthy life.

However, some people things that – it’s cruel to lock up these animals in such small cages! On average though, most experts recommend 450-500 square inches minimum space. Of course, this number will vary depending on how many hammies you want to keep together in the same cage.

How To Choose A Hamster Cage?

1. Determine the size of your hamster

No matter what size your hamster is, they should have enough room to be able to run around and play in their enclosure without feeling cramped or stressed out. Cages are available in many different sizes so it’s important that the one you choose has plenty of floor space for them to roam about. It is recommended to choose a 450 square inches hamster cage.

2. Consider How Many Levels You Want Your Hamster To Have Access To

Some cages come with several levels that your hamster can climb on and other ones may only have one level. The more the better as it gives them a chance to run around, but having too many is not advised because they could become stressed out.

3. Make Sure There Are No Sharp Edges And Corners On The Bars Of The Cage 

Hamsters love to chew and if they’re left unsupervised with a cage that has sharp edges, they can hurt themselves. So it’s important to look for a cage with rounded bars so they can’t hurt themselves.

4. Make Sure That The Hamster Cage Is Big Enough To Place Toys And Other Accessories

Hamsters love to play and have fun which is why it’s important for them to have a lot of toys inside the cage so they can stay busy when their owners aren’t around. Though most hamster cages come with toys but make sure that there is enough space in the cage to set up toys, food bowls, water bottle etc.

5. Make Sure The Cage Has Plenty Of Ventilation And Airflow

Your hamster will be spending a lot of time inside their cage so it’s important that they have plenty of fresh air and ventilation. If the cage is compact, then there won’t be any airflow which can cause your pet to get sick. Also make sure that the cage plastic is not toxic.

Do Syrian Hamsters Bite? 10 Surprising Facts

Do syrian hamsters bite

The Syrian hamster is a small, furry creature that can do some pretty surprising things. One of the more common questions about them is do Syrian hamsters bite? The answer to this question may surprise you!

Syrian hamsters they are more likely to bite when they are scared, hungry, or when picked them up by holding under their neck or tail. They could also bite if their sleep habits are disrupted.

The teeth of this small creature are too weak to do any serious damage and the wound will heal quickly without leaving a scar. However, it is suggested to wear gloves before handling your hamster.

Do Baby Syrian Hamsters Bite? 

Compared to adult hamsters, Syrian baby hamsters will bite more often. When they are first getting used to their environment and new owners, it is common for Syrian baby hamsters to nip or even full-out bite in fear or confusion of what is going on around them.

Unfortunately, this biting will not leave any serious damage. The fact is that most hamsters will bite you when you pick them up if they are not used to being handled. However, there are some important differences in biting among different breeds of hamsters.

Do Syrian Hamster Bites Hurt?

Bites by Syrian hamsters are uncommon and typically happen when the animal feels threatened or is overly excited. It will not hurt as long as you don’t get a deep bite.

If your Syrian hamster only gives small nips, chances are you will not need first aid. However, if you see bleeding or bruising after being bitten by them, and if this is excessive, get medical help immediately.

The most important factor whether your hamster will bite you depends on how it was treated when it was younger. For example, if the hamster is hand-raised and has a loving relationship with its owners, it will be less likely to bite.

If you are not sure about how your hamster treats you, don’t pet it without asking for permission first. First, start with a wave of your hand near their face rather than directly picking them up without warning. Do not persist if your hamster does not like being picked up or touched.

Most Syrian hamsters are friendly and good-tempered, so this should not be a concern, although some may nip at fingers if handled roughly. Do not drop or mishandle the animal, as this will lead to biting behavior.

Why Does My Syrian Hamster Bite The Cage?

Biting behavior among rodents is not rare, and there are several reasons why your pet might do it. However, to understand these behaviors well, you need to know a little bit about rodent teeth.

Rodents have two kinds of sharp incisors that keep growing throughout their lives, which means if they do not chew on something hard or wear them down by gnawing, then they end up with overgrown teeth pretty quickly! Because of this reason, all rodents try to use objects around them as a source for chewing activity, such as cage or toys inside the case. Hamsters tend to do the same with their bedding (wood shavings, hay) or even wires in their cage.

Sometimes hamsters do not like changes to their environment and end up biting at anything new they see. Hamsters also need things to chew on for healthy teeth development, so always supply them with some safe objects inside the cage to chew on.

How To Hold A Hamster Without It Biting You? 

  • Do not pick up your hamster by the base of the tail! This can cause your hamster to become terrified or angry.
  • Please do not pick up your hamster with your thumb under their head, they could accidentally turn around and bite it off!
  • Hold your hamster in an upright position with his belly facing towards you. Do not hold him upside-down.
  • Try to carry your hamster in the palm of your hand, cupped comfortably by both of your hands.
  • Holding them too tightly could cause serious injury! Do not squeeze too hard or suddenly!  

Be patient with your hamster when trying to handle them for the first time. Do remember these tips and tricks on how not to scare a hamster into biting.

Hamsters are small rodents. They have tiny sharp teeth, so it can hurt if you handle them in the wrong way when they bite. Female Syrians are more likely to bite than male Syrians because females are known to be territorial.

Hamster Bite Warning Signs 

If your hamster puts their ears back, flattens its stomach against the ground, and poofs up its fur, they are afraid or angry. AT this moment, do not pick them up! They will probably bite you out of fear. 

If you already picked them up, put them down again and leave them alone!

Biting can be prevented as long as you know some basic facts about hamsters. So do remember these tips mentioned in this article. Also, remember to practice patience when getting used to a new pet, especially a furry rodent-like a Syrian hamster!

Final Thought On Can Syrian Hamsters Bite

You can handle a Syrian hamster without getting bitten when you know what to do. If you are new to caring for these animals, it is best to have an experienced person show you the proper way of holding them so that they don’t feel threatened or scared and therefore bite. Once your pet becomes accustomed to being handled by humans, then handling them yourself will be easier. When holding your Syrian hamster, keep in mind to hold them currently.