Fancy Bear Hamster: Everything You Need To Know

Fancy Bear Hamster: Everything You Need To Know

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Fancy Bear Hamster: Everything You Need To Know

fancy bear hamster

Fancy bear hamsters are the cutest and adorable creatures you can own as a pet. They have fancy fur and sometimes even come in fancy colors. Originally from the rainforest of South America, but they are now found all over the world. They have become popular pets in many households due to their easy care requirements and low cost. Following table represent fancy bear hamster Lifespan, weight, body length and color pattern:

Average Lifespan2 Years
Weight85  to 150
Body Length4 to 6 Inches long
Cost$8 to $20
Color PatternMix-Color

Are Fancy Bear Hamsters Friendly?

Fancy bear hamsters are very friendly in nature and make great pets for kids as well. However, it is important to remember that fancy bears cannot be caged with any other hamsters; they will fight each other until one of them dies.

It’s also not a good idea to let your fancy bear run around freely outside, since the chances of getting lost or being eaten by predators like cats, snakes, etc.

They are also very social and enjoy having a companion of their own kind to play with. They can easily live without another fancy bear, as long as you provide enough toys and things to keep them occupied throughout the day so that they do not get bored or lonely at home too much. This is especially important when you leave your fancy bear home alone while going out somewhere else for work etc. You must make sure there’s something around for your furry friend to do!

How To Tame A Fancy Bear Hamster?

Fancy bear hamsters are not the easiest type of pet to tame. They can be very skittish and shy at first, especially if you try to pick them up or force them into doing something they don’t want to do.

It is always a good idea to start building a bond with your hamster from day one by letting it explore its new home on its own terms. You should feel free to leave your fancy’s cage open (when you are around) so that he/she comes out when he wants. This will make him more comfortable around you as time goes by.  

If you notice that your fancy bear is coming out of its cage on its own, it’s time to start playing with him. Play with the fancy in a room where he can see you but not feel threatened by you and his surroundings. Please make sure there are no other pets or kids around at this point since they may scare him into retreating back inside the cage!

Make sure to play for short sessions initially so that your fancy doesn’t get exhausted from all the excitement. You should also make it a fun game (with treats) every time, instead of trying to force them into doing something against their will, which might result in negative behavior.

Do Fancy Bear Hamsters Hibernate?

No fancy bears do not hibernate. They actually require constant access to food and water at all times, even during winter. This is one of the main reasons why it’s not a good idea to leave your fancy bear hamster home alone for too long when you go on vacation or out somewhere else for work etc.

They will need you to refill their food and water supply throughout the day so that they do not get dehydrated in your absence. It is also advisable to leave them with a small heater (placed under the cage) which can keep their homes warm even during the winter months.

What Can Fancy Bear Hamsters Eat?

Fancy bears are omnivores which means they eat both meats as well as plants/fruits in order to get sufficient nutrition from their diet.  

They should be given a mixture of fresh fruits, vegetables like carrots and peas (fresh) every day, and some commercial rodent mix pellets and seeds that can easily be found at pet stores around town. Just make sure that whatever you feed your fancy bear is fresh and not too old as they won’t eat it even if it’s healthy.

And, make sure to provide them with fresh water every day.

How Long Does It Take For A Fancy Bear Hamster To Give Birth?

The gestation period for a fancy bear hamster is about 16-18 days. Once the female fancy bear gives birth, you can let her raise them on her own baby or you can take care of them. 

It’s always better not to separate babies from their mothers if there seems to be a problem with mom neglecting/ignoring them which might happen in rare cases. Make sure that mom is well taken care of and gets the right kind of food to eat, especially if you have noticed her becoming more aggressive since she has given birth.

Do Fancy Bear Hamsters Bite?

Fancy bears can be very aggressive sometimes, especially if they feel threatened. They have extremely sharp teeth, which is why it’s not a good idea to try and pick them up or force them into doing something against their will. 

Try to make your special friend comfortable with you by playing games like ‘hide and seek’ with a treat in your hand so that they come out of their own fancy.

It is also important to remember that every fancy bear has its own unique personality, which means some of them might be more aggressive than others when it comes to humans interacting with them!

How To Tell The Gender Of A Fancy Bear Hamster?

The gender of a fancy bear hamster can be determined from the age of about three weeks. You can determine a male hamster by checking their genitals and a female fancy by looking at her swollen nipples.

Females also have an extra pair of mammary glands on both sides which means it’s easier to determine their gender around this time as compared to males who only have one set of sexual organs.

Fancy Bear Hamster Facts

  • Fancy bear hamsters are the most popular pet of all time
  • A female can have up to six litters in one year, each litter having four to six babies
  • Fancy bear hamsters are nocturnal creatures and sleep during the day
  • They can run up to three miles per hour on a wheel in their cage.
  • They can store food, bedding, and toys in their cheek pouches.
  • They love to eat fresh vegetables and fruits such as apples, carrots, cucumbers, broccoli, etc.
  • Some breeds of fancy bear hamsters have long tails.
  • They also have really sharp claws on all four paws, which helps them climb and run on a smooth surface.

Final Thoughts

Fancy Bear Hamsters are very intelligent and social. They’re also quite playful, so they’ll need a lot of time to exercise their minds with puzzles, toys, and other things that challenge them mentally. If you want your bear hamster to be tame enough for handling by humans, make sure it’s well-fed (fancy bears can get picky) and has plenty of space in its cage or tank. Spend some time every day interacting with the pet as often as possible — ideally at least an hour in the evening.

Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together?

Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together

Teddy Bear hamsters can be a great addition to your family and can bring years of happiness. However, it is important to know cif Teddy Bear hamsters can live together or if they need to live separately. Some people think they can only live together, while others believe they should be kept separate. So, I did a little research on the topic, and here’s what I know:

Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together? Teddy Bear hamsters should not be kept in pairs or groups in the same cage because they will fight and injure themselves. However, they can live together in the same cage unlit they are 3 weeks old (before their territorial behavior kicks in).

Living in the same cage before they are three weeks old can promote bonding between mother and babies. However, as soon as they get older than three weeks, they should be separated because fighting will break out, resulting in injuries like missing toes, which can cause other health issues.

Can Two Female Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together?

Two female Teddy Bear hamsters can live together, but sometimes one of them can bully the other. Make sure to set up enough toys in the cage so that they will be busy exploring rather than fighting with each other. 

However, after keeping them in the same cage, monitor them every day. If you find them fighting with each other, separate them.

To see if one female is bullying another, look at their tails. If one’s tail goes up higher than the other’s, it might be being bullied by the other because that means she feels like her territory has been invaded or taken from her. In this situation, she will act aggressively towards others who come into her space to show dominance over whatever area she deems hers, even though technically, all areas are shared between everyone in a cage.

Click here for a good article on which hamsters can live together.

Pro And Cons Of Having Single VS Multiple Teddy Bear Hamsters 

The pros of having a single Teddy Bear hamster:

  • Can save money on food and toys.
  • Less noise and smell in the house
  • Easy to carry from one place to another  

The cons of having a multiple Teddy Bear hamster:

  • Fight with each other and injure themselves. 
  • More expense on food, toys and cage.
  • More time spends on cleaning the cage.

When To Separate Teddy Bear Hamsters?

If you have two or more hamsters living in one cage, make sure to put them in separate cages immediately if your pet is exhibiting signs of territorial behavior. These behaviors include squeaking or blood being drawn during fights over territory and dominance; one will often take the top position while another tries to push them off their spot. Suppose these conditions are met, but fighting still occurs for no apparent reason. In that case, we recommend housing each animal individually as prevention against future altercations that may be more severe than before.

Why Do Pet Shops Keep Teddy Bear Hamster Together? 

Hamsters in pet shops come from breeding mills and are still young before their territorial behavior kicks in. They are sold fast enough before they mature; this is why you don’t see hamsters fighting each other when they are kept in the same cage in the shop.  

When two hamsters are brought together from a pet shop and given a new home, they usually start to fight each other as their territorial instincts begin to develop. It is not uncommon for them to stay in the same cage and become best friends even though it would be more likely that one will eventually kill the other because of instinct.

Are Teddy Bear Hamsters Good For Beginners?

Teddy Bear hamsters make an excellent pet for beginners. They cost less than other breeds and have a lower chance of biting when scared. In addition, they’re a low maintenance breed and only need about an hour out of their cage each day and they are easy to handle and carry around the house without getting hurt or scared.

Final Thought On “Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Live Together”?

Teddy Bear hamsters are typically solitary animals, and it is not recommended to keep more than one hamster in the same cage. If two hamsters live in the same cage, they will fight for territory or bully one another, leading to injury or illness. Therefore, it’s best to keep them separated if possible so that both have their own space.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Teddy Bear hamsters friendly? Teddy Bear hamsters can be friendly with humans if trained accordingly. But they usually don’t get friendly with other hamsters; they can get territorial and start fighting with each other.

Do teddy bear hamsters bite humans? Teddy Bear hamsters can bite humans if they feel threatened or scared. They can also get aggressive with other hamsters and bite them if kept in the same cage.

Chinese Hamster: All You Need To Know In 2022

chinese hamster

Chinese hamsters are a domesticated species of the hamster, which is native to china. These small rodents are often kept as pets and enjoyed by many people all over the world because they make great companions. It is also known as the chinese dwarf hamster and it has many distinctive features that make it unique from other types of hamsters.

Following table represent Chinese hamster lifespan, weight, body length and tail size:

Average Lifespan2 to 3 years
Average Weight 30 to 45 grams
Average Body Length 3.5 to 5 inch
Tail Length 0.8 to 1.2 inch

The chinese hamsters are usually kept as pets, but they are widely used to test new drugs because of their similarity to humans.


Types of Chinese Hamsters

There are many different types of chinese hamster, some more popular than others. One common type is the Roborovski Chinese Hamsters which have a short tail that’s approximately equal to its body length. They also have very large ears and can grow up to six inches long!

Another popular chinese hamster is the Teddy Bear Chinese Hamsters, who are low in numbers and high on cuteness with their extremely soft brown fur. They are the smallest chinese hamster in size and can grow up to about two inches long.

There is also a chinese hamster called the Winter White that has its coat turn white during wintertime; this happens because of coats changing color according to temperature changes! This type of chinese hamsters only lives for an average of one year.

Perhaps the most common chinese hamster is the Russian Chinese Hamsters, also known as Campbell’s Rusian Hamster. This type of chinese hamsters is perfect for beginners because they’re docile and easy to handle but are still a lot of fun! They grow up to about four inches long on average and can live up to three years.

Finally, there are Chinese hamsters called the Dusky Chinese Hamster, which is also one of the smallest Chinese hamsters in the world. They have thick, light brown fur and grow up to about one inch long!

Behavior And Diet

Chinese hamsters are solitary animals, meaning they can live on their own. However, they also prefer to be active at night and sleep during the daytime! 

The Chinese hamster’s diet consists mainly of seeds, vegetables, nuts, and various other treats, including corn flakes or dried fruit. It is important that chinese hamsters eat these types of foods because it helps them digest food properly and provides them with essential nutrients!

They are quite curious, which means they love to explore! So they’ll spend a lot of their time running around and exploring the toys in their cage. 

When this hamster feels threatened, it will run away from its aggressor to escape danger without being captured or harmed. If this doesn’t work, Chinese hamsters will often release a foul-smelling fluid from their anal glands as an act of defense!

Breeding Habits

Both males and females need to stay away from each other until they’re 12 weeks old, because if they mate too early, there could be complications like birth defects or even death of the mother hamster.

If you think your chinese hammers should meet potential mates, then make sure you place the hamster’s cage next to each other for a few days. So that the hamster can smell its partner, hear and see each other. Once they get used to each other, keep them in same cage for few days.

Once chinese hammers have mated, it’s important for female chinese hammers to stay in their mating area until they give birth. After the female hamster gave birth, the male hamster should be kept in a separate enclosure as they don’t provide any parental care.

Colors Pattern

Chinese hamsters come in many colour combination, black, grey, brown and white. However, white chinese hamsters coat changes color according to temperature. 

Black Chinese hammer has a dark brown or almost black fur with few grey markings! They’re also one of the most common types around because they’re docile and easy to handle, making them perfect for beginners! Black Chinese Hammers grow up to about four inches long on average and live up to three years old while their maximum lifespan is five years old.

Diseases, Mites, And Ticks

Chinese hamsters can be prone to various diseases, mites and ticks. A Chinese hammer disease is called “Sarcoptic Mange” or simply mange, a skin condition where the hamsters lose their fur in patches while developing scabs on the places with the fur leftover!

It’s important for chinese hammers owners to brush their hamsters weekly to remove ticks from their bodies. If the ticks are not removed, the hamster will scratch their body due to itchy skin, leading to potential infections.

Are Chinese Hamsters Good Pets?

Yes! chinese hamsters are great pets! They’re small, social and easy to care for. They’re also really good at keeping themselves entertained, which means you’ll never have to worry about chinese hamsters being lonely! They also get along with humans if trained.

How Much Do Chinese Hamster Cost?

$25 – 30 USD on average. The price of one depends on where they’re being sold from and how old they are, but this is an approximate range. They can be as low as $20 or as high as $40. A good place to look for them would be popular pet websites like PetSmart’s or nearby pet stores.

Are Chinese Hamster Fast?

They are not always the fastest of rodents. Some might be faster than others and some might have different speeds at certain times in their life, but this is a general rule for most animals: as they age, they tend to get slower because they become less agile with time.

However, it’s important to note that there have been no studies on the speed of these specific hamsters, so nothing can yet be confirmed about how fast or slow these little critters actually are compared to other types of rodents.

How To Take Care Of A Golden Hamster: The Ultimate Guide

How To Take Care Of A Golden Hamster

Many people are looking for how to take care of a golden hamster, but there is so much wrong information out there that it’s hard to know what’s true and what isn’t. This article will cover how to take care of your golden hamsters in detail with tips ( based on the facts). I hope this helps!

1. Understand The Needs Of Your Hamster

Understanding how to take care of a golden hamster starts with understanding what your new pet needs. Golden hamsters are nocturnal, so they sleep during the day and then go out at night to explore their surroundings. Hamsters also need lots of space for exploring–a too-small cage will make them anxious and unhappy. They’re social animals as well! If you get one or more hamsters, be sure to give them ample time together in order to form bonds between themselves before separating them for short periods (during meal times).

2. Provide A Safe, Clean Environment For Your Hamster To Live In

Hamsters are very clean animals, and they spend a lot of time grooming themselves. It’s important to provide them with a safe, clean environment that doesn’t have any dangerous elements like poisonous plants or unsafe levels of ammonia in their bedding.

3. Buy A Cage And Bedding That Is Big Enough For All Of Your Hamster’s Needs

The perfect size of a golden hamster’s cage is 18x18x18 inches. It will give the single Hamster plenty of space to explore and sleep.  Make sure the cage is also escape-proof and has a lot of things to keep your Hamster entertained. The Hamster needs to have plenty of toys, tunnels, ladders, ramps, etc., so they can feel like they’re in their natural habitat.

4. Make Sure You Have An Appropriate Feeding Schedule Set Up

It’s important to feed your Hamster on a regular schedule. A great guideline is to serve healthy food twice a day. However, if you feed them too many treats, they will get sick from eating too much at same time. Read my recent article where I explain about foods hamster can and can’t eat.

5. Give Your Hamster Plenty Of Toys To Keep Them Entertained 

A good way to keep your Hamster entertained is to give them lots of toys that will allow them to practice their natural behaviors. A wheel and a tunnel are two popular options. If you’re not sure how much space they need, then base how many toys you buy on how many hours you want the Hamster to be out exploring during the day.

6. Know How To Handle Emergency Situations Like If Your Hamster Has Escaped Their Cage Or Fallen Ill

This is obviously a scary situation, but it’s important to know how to react if you find yourself in this position. If your Hamster has escaped its cage, then the first thing you need to do is locate them and return them safely home immediately. However, if you cannot find your hamsters, you can put foods like cheese near where they escaped. Then, there is a possibility they will come out for food. 

If your golden Hamster gets sick, the first step is to find out how the Hamster got sick and how quickly they are getting sicker. Note down all the observations and then consult a vet for medical guidance.

How Much Water Should A Golden Hamster Drink?

Golden hamsters need to drink more water then other types of hamsters because they are nocturnal and spend so much time exploring. So make sure your Hamster has access to fresh water at all times, preferably in their cage, rather than having it hidden away where the Hamster can’t get to it easily (they might not be able to escape if they’re thirsty!). The best way is with a ceramic or stainless steel bowl that fits comfortably inside the enclosure.

How Often Should You Clean Your Hamster’s Cage?

Cleaning a hamster’s cage is one of the most important parts of how to take care of your new pet. It needs to be done at least once per week, and more often if you have multiple hamsters in one cage or if there are just too many droppings for it to seem healthy anymore! Always use safe cleaning products that won’t hurt your hamsters, like vinegar mixed with water.

What Are The Signs Of Illness In A Golden Hamster?

Some general signs that your Golden Hamster might be ill include: 

  • Sudden weight loss.Fever or shivering (temperature).
  • Lethargy.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Discolored skin/fur on nose or feet.
  • Unusual discharge from eyes, ears, mouth, etc.

Should I Get My Hamster Vaccinated?

There are some illnesses that your Hamster can be vaccinated for, including: 

  • Rabies
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV)
  • Ctenocephalosis.

Summary on How To Take Care A Golden Hamsters 

To take care of a golden hamster, make sure it has plenty of fresh food and water. You can also provide a wheel for exercise or give the pet treats like fruits and vegetables to keep them happy. Be mindful of moving your new friend too often because they don’t do well with frequent changes in the environment.

The information that you have read in this blog post should give you a good understanding of how to take care of a golden hamster. Remember, it is important for the animal’s health and well-being to provide them with a clean environment and healthy diet.

What Can I Feed My Chinese Dwarf Hamster? 2022 Guide

What Can I Feed My Chinese Dwarf Hamster

If you have a Chinese dwarf hamster and are wondering what to feed them, this article is for you. I will go over what they eat in captivity, what their diet should consist of, what foods are safe for them to consume and what foods to avoid feeding them.

Flowing is the list of food that is safe for Chinese Dwarf hamsters: 

Vegetablesspinach, broccoli, carrot tops, cauliflower, cucumber
Nut and SeedsWalnuts, roosted almonds, pistachios
FruitsBanana, apple (without seed), strawberries,  pears
Dairy ProductUnsalted cheese, yogurt
GrainsOatmeal, Rice Pilafs

In the wild, Chinese Dwarf hamsters feed on seeds and grains. However, in captivity, their diet is a lot more varied as they can be fed things such as fruits, vegetables, and meat products like cooked eggs or boiled chicken breast. 

Chinese Dwarf hamsters are a popular pet and can be easier to care for than some other rodents. In addition, Chinese Dwarf hamsters have lower nutritional needs, so they require less food per day than other species of hamsters.

Foods You Should Avoid Feeding Chinese Dwarf Hamster?

There are different types of foods that can be dangerous for Chinese Dwarf hamsters. Following are the list of food that you should avoid feeding Chinese Dwarf hamsters: 

  • Apple Seeds
  • Apricots
  • Cherries
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee Beans,
  • Cranberries 
  • Currants
  • Dates
  • Raisins
  • Uncooked Plum

Foods that should not be fed to Chinese hamsters can vary depending on the type of food. However, foods such as crispy cereal or vegetables should only be used sparingly in order to avoid any nutritional deficiencies. 

How Much Food Should I Give My Dwarf Hamster?

Though they’re usually smaller than the average hamster, these furry rodents still require a substantial amount of food to survive. Therefore, it is important to provide your pet with a constant supply of high-quality food containing proper nutrients. However, the amount of food you should give your hamster depends on its age and size. 

  • 3 month to 1-year-old hamsters should be given only 1 square inch of vegetables (2 servings) per day. 
  • 2 Nuts per day ( Almonds or Walnuts)
  • 1-2 teaspoons of cheese ( two servings per week). 

Note: You should not give your dwarf hamster all the above-listed food on the same day. Instead, you should provide different types of food on different days. 

What Are The Best Food Options For My Chinese Dwarf Hamster To Eat In Winter?

Replace your Chinese dwarf hamster’s regular diet with a protein-based diet and fresh vegetables during winter. A protein-based diet is a priority. 

During winter, protein helps to keep your hamster warm, strong and active so they can play all day long! One easy way to do this is by including some sunflower seeds or other types of nuts into their diet, as they’ll provide plenty of protein. 

Is It Okay If My Hamsters Eat Dry Dog Food?

Dry dog food contains a lot of fillers and carbs that are not good for Chinese Dwarf hamsters, just like many other rodents. If you want your pet dwarfs to eat something different than their standard diet, try switching them over from one type of rodent food (like rat pellets) to another (like mouse block). Don’t worry about making the change too quickly or gradually because they will live off any nutritious substance as long as it has enough calories.

What Should I Feed My Chinese Dwarf Hamster When It Gets Sick? 

If your hamster gets sick and cannot eat independently, you feed them liquid food using a syringe. You should blend protein-based food with added water such as – hardboiled egg, cooked chicken, nuts, etc. 

However, if they can eat on their own, you can feed them a most similar diet to their usual one. For example, if they’re used to eating seeds and hay, mix those ingredients with what you have been giving them before the illness started.

Note: You should always consult with a vet if your hamster gets sick for necessary medical advice.

How To Feed A Baby Chinese Dwarf Hamsters? 

You should know several things about when it comes to feeding a baby Chinese Dwarf hamster, so I will cover those points in this section: 

I recommend using an appropriate feeder (such as a hard plastic or cardboard tube) and putting the food inside with a cotton ball at one end that the hamster can get its face through to eat from. 

We recommend feeding baby hamsters a mixture of foods, including: 

  • Baby cereal (unsweetened) – ½ half teaspoon per day.
  • Some fresh vegetables and fruit like banana, apple or green beans (blend it before giving to your baby hamsters) 

Did I Answer Everything You Wanted To Know About What Can I Feed My Chinese Dwarf Hamster?

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to feeding your Chinese Dwarf Hamster. It’s not as simple as opening up the fridge and grabbing whatever food is handy. There are many foods you can feed your Chinese Dwarf Hamster, but Not all types of food are good for them. I hope this guide has helped answer any questions you may have had about what food is best for Dwarf hamsters and how much of it they need. 

Frequently Asked Questions  

Can Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Eat Blueberries? Chinese Dwarf Hamsters, which are also known as Roborovski Dwarfs, can eat blueberries. But they should not eat it every day or in large quantities because of the sugar content.

Can Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Eat Lettuce? There are many different types of lettuces out there and some might not be safe for your pet. For example, avoid feeding iceberg lettuce to your hamsters. 

Can Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Eat Carrots? Carrots can be a healthy snack for your hamster; just keep in mind that it can’t eat too many or it will get sick. Hamsters should only eat 1-2 slices of carrots per day.

Gansu Hamster: A Complete Guide In 2022

gansu hamster

The Gansu hamster is one of the most popular house pets. They are excellent at adapting to new environments and they can be kept in a cage or free-range around your home. In this post, we will explore some interesting facts about Gansu hamsters and provide you necessary tips, so that you can keep this hamsters as pet.


The Gansu hamster is a rodent that lives in the Gansu Province of China. They are also known as ganzhou, or simply hamsters. The Gansu hamster was first discovered by scientists and zoologists in 1928 and became an internationally recognized species after 1931 when they were formally classified by scientist Gustav Donndorff von Rosenhof (1901-1982).

This small animal came to be widely used for research purposes because it has many defining qualities such as being nocturnal, having sensitive whiskers, reproducing rapidly, so there is high genetic diversity among them but low within individual families. These features make them perfect subjects for medical tests like vaccine testing since they are similar to humans in many ways.

How To Care For Gansu Hamster?

When it comes to Gansu hamster care, the most important consideration is their habitat. It’s best to keep hamsters as pets in cages so that they can’t run away or become injured while exploring your home. An average size Gansu hamster’s cage should be at least 18 “x24″ x18”. 

If you plan on having more than one hamster, then each hamster will need its own separate territory of living space and a minimum of 36 square inches per gerbil. Gansu hamsters are very active creatures with high energy levels and require plenty of room for hopping, climbing, jumping and playing!

To make sure that your hamsters live long, happy lives in captivity, you need to make sure they have plenty of food and water. Gansu hamsters are omnivorous creatures that will eat beans, seeds, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and meat products like worms or insects.

What Human Food Is Safe For Gansu Hamsters?

Following are the human food safe for Gansu hamster:

  • Fruit: Bananas – Berries (Strawberries)
  • Vegetables: Asparagus, Broccoli, Cabbage
  • Nuts and Seeds: Walnuts, Almonds
  • Grains/Cereals: Oatmeal, Rice Pilafs
  • Dairy Products: Cheese (Mozzarella)

Following are the human foods not safe for gansu hamster:

  • Citrus: Lemons, Limes Raw Onions or Garlic 
  • Anything with Alcohol (beer, wine) 
  • Chocolate and other foods that are high in sugar/fat. 

How Long Do Gansu Hamster Live?

There are many different species of gansu hamsters, but the average lifespan for a gansu hamster is between 2–3 years.

This hamster breed typically live in groups with one dominant male who will mate with all the females within his territory. Females gansus usually produce about three litters per year, consisting of five to nine babies each time they’re pregnant.

Gansu Hamster Personality 

  • Gansu hamsters are shy and love to hide.
  • In the wild, gansu hamsters live near rivers or streams, which serve as their habitat.
  • They also like damp environments such as caves under trees where it can be wet without being submerged all day long.

In a home environment, gansu should have an area set up just for them with plenty of bedding material so that they feel safe at night when tucked into their den after feeding time (usually dinner). The best areas are usually furnished with natural materials such as timothy hay, shredded paper from cardboard boxes, untreated grass clippings (if you do not have access to fresh hay), etc., but any material is fine as long as it is not something that they are known to eat (some gansu hamsters will chew on and ingest their bedding material so be careful what you give them).

How Much Do Gansu Hamsters Cost?

Gansu hamsters cost between $8.00 to $15.00 in the United States, on average. However, the price will depend on the sex, color variations and age.

In a 2012 publication by DuBose and Barlow, they state that in the United States, between the years 2006 to 2010, the average cost of Gansu hamsters was between $7.50 to $13.50 within their sample size (n=89).

They also state that females were more expensive than males; gansu hamsters of all colors cost more than any other variation; and that gansu hamsters raised in pet stores cost more than those from feeders.

It is best to purchase this particular hamster pet from an established breeder or someone who has researched these animals for years. Prices for a well known pet shop may be higher but you know exactly what you’re getting.

Gansu Hamster Reproduction 

Gansu hamsters reproduce quickly when left in their natural habitat but do not usually breed while living in the confines of cages. However, you can encourage breeding by providing your hamster with nesting materials such as shredded paper or cloth shreddings; this provides extra warmth during pregnancy and encourages hormones to kick start birth processes.  Female gansu can give birth every three weeks, so be prepared for a baby boom!

However, if you’re interested in adopting or buying this hamster and learning more about them, then continue reading below.

Final Thoughts 

Gansu Hamster is a small, agile animal that can be found in Asia. They are typically brown and have black stripes on their back. These animals are often kept as pets because they don’t require much care. Gansu hamsters are a great pet for children and adults alike. They’re easy to care for, interesting to watch, and have many different colors that you can pick from. However, you may be wondering if they’re the right animal for you or how to care for them properly. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand more about this cute rodents!