How Do I Stop My Hamster from Chewing the Bars?

How Do I Stop My Hamster from Chewing the Bars?

If your hamster is chewing on the cage bars, it can be a bit alarming. It’s important to know that chewing on the cage bars is actually normal for hamsters, but you may still be wondering how to stop your hamster from doing it. This article will address the question, “How do I stop my hamster from chewing the bars?”

Hamsters have quite a few reasons why they chew on their cages, including boredom, anxiety, and stress. There are also some things that you can do in order to prevent your hamster from chewing on its own habitat.

However, there are a few things to try if your hamster is constantly biting the cage bars, which will be explained in this article.

Reasons Hamsters Chew On Cage Bars

The following are some reasons why hamsters chew on cage bars:

1. Boredom

Hamsters are very active animals who enjoy exploring new areas and interacting with other animals (including humans).

When they’re bored, they might start chewing on their cages as a way to entertain themselves and pass time until they come home from work each night.

2. Hunger

If your hamster is chewing on the bars of his or her cage, there’s a good chance that he or she is hungry. Hamsters don’t eat much at once; instead, they nibble all day long so that they can keep their metabolism up and burn off energy.

If your hamster is chewing on the bars of his or her cage while being fed regularly, then you may need to increase his daily food intake by adding more or larger pieces of food into his diet.

3. To mark territory

It’s a common behavior among female hamsters to chew on the bars of their cages when they’re pregnant or nursing babies; however, male hamsters also sometimes do this as well.

This behavior is known as scent marking and it lets other hamsters know who owns the territory.

4. Needing more stimulation or attention

Your hamster may seek out more stimulation by chewing on cage bars because they feel that they’re not getting enough attention from you or their environment isn’t stimulating enough for them.

This can be caused by neglecting your pet or leaving them alone all day while you’re at work, school, or running errands, especially if it’s been happening for an extended period of time.

5. Stress

When a hamster is feeling stressed, it can start chewing on the bars of its cage as a way to release its pent-up energy.

This is especially common during times of change in the hamster’s life (such as when you introduce a new animal into your home, or when you move), but it can also happen for no discernible reason at all!

If your hamster is chewing on the cage bars, try to figure out what might be causing them stress in order to help them cope.

Click here for an interesting article from Petco on normal and abnormal hamster behavior.

Does Chewing Cage Bars Safe For Hamsters?

Chewing cage bars is not safe for hamsters. While it may not seem like a big deal, it can cause serious health problems for your hamster.

Hamsters have sharp teeth that grow continuously throughout their lives. When they chew on the cage bars, they are actually grinding their teeth down and wearing them away. This can lead to tooth decay and infection, which can be very painful for your pet.

Chewing cage bars also puts your hamster at risk for choking or impaction. If you notice your hamster with an abnormally large amount of food in its mouth or regurgitating food that looks like it has been chewed up, this could mean your pet is having trouble swallowing the food because its jaw has been damaged by chewing on cage bars too often.

If you want to encourage your hamster’s natural behaviors without risking its health, try placing toys in its cage that allow it to chew without putting itself at risk.

How Do I Stop My Hamster from Chewing the Bars?

One thing you can do to stop your hamster from chewing the bars is to cover the bars with a thin piece of material.

This can be anything you want such as fabric or paper. Metal or plastic may be dangerous because they can hurt your hamster, so it’s best if you use something that won’t hurt them.

The material should also not be able to be chewed through by the hamster and should not get caught in its paws while it is running around inside its cage.

Check out some other things you can do to stop your hamster from chewing bars below:

1. Put cardboard around the cage

You can also try putting cardboard around the cage to hide the sides for a week or two.

You can also try putting cardboard around the cage to hide the sides for a week or two. This is usually enough time for your hamster to get used to its new surroundings.

However, if it chews through the cardboard quickly, then you need to find another solution.

2. Distract your hamster

Another option is to distract your hamster by providing them with something else to chew on.
There are several ways to distract your hamster from chewing the bars.

This can be done by providing them with a safe toy they can enjoy without worrying about it being toxic, like a cardboard box or some other type of chew toy that you know will not harm your little friend.

Additionally, since hamsters love tunnels and tubes, these also make great choices for hamster chew toys.

3. Buy a wheel for your hamster

You can also buy a wheel for your hamster so that it always has something fun to do while you’re away at work or school during the day. A wheel is especially important if you have more than one hamster in one cage because they will get lonely if there’s nothing for them to do but chew on the bar.


While chewing is normal for hamsters, excessive or continuous chewing may point to a dental problem. If you’re consistently housebreaking your pet, your hamster may chew to pass the time.

Because of this, make sure that your pets have enough things to do and chew on in their home. You might prefer to find a variety of toys for them rather than an extra wheel.


I am a wife, mother and animal lover. I live on a hobby farm in Canada with my husband and two children. And I love hamsters!

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