What Temperature Can a Hamster Live In?

What Temperature Can a Hamster Live In?

All hamster habitats need to be kept at certain temperatures for their habitat to be habitable. There is a lot of conflicting information about what temperature your hamster can survive in.

It can get confusing, I know. I will be discussing different factors that can affect the survivability of your little friend. Hamsters have very specific temperature needs, just like any other living creature.

Your goldfish might be happy sitting at room temperature all day, but your pet hamster requires a specific, more regulated environment to ensure his health and well-being. So what temperature can a hamster live in?

Hamsters can usually adapt to any type of temperature as long as it doesn’t go too much over 75 degrees or too below 60.

Temperatures between 68 and 78 degrees are fine for hamsters, but anything much more than that will get uncomfortable.

This is the same temperature they thrive at in the wild, which is why their babies develop best at these temperatures. Their bodies are used to these more moderate temperatures because that’s what Syrian hamsters are used to living in. Hamsters need to live in warmer temperatures, but not too hot.

Do Hamsters Need Heat Lamps?

Yes, hamsters need heat lamps. They are small animals and have a low body temperature. For this reason, they need to be kept warm at all times.

Hamsters’ high body temperatures help them stay warm while they’re sleeping during the day or night — but this can be dangerous if they’re left alone in too-hot conditions. Hamsters also need plenty of ventilation to keep from overheating or getting dehydrated.

If you live in a warm climate, having a heat lamp in your hamster’s cage can keep him warm and healthy. This is especially true if you have more than one hamster in the same cage. If you only have one hamster, it’s best to leave him alone without extra heat if he seems to be doing well without it.

If your hamster has poor circulation or cold extremities (such as his nose), then he may need some extra help staying warm. If this is the case, use a small low wattage bulb that won’t produce too much heat and place it on the side of his cage where he spends most of his time.

How To Keep Your Hamster Warm During Wintertime

Hamsters need to be kept warm during wintertime, so it is very important to ensure that your pet is comfortable at all times.

Here are a few tips on how you can keep your hamster warm during winter:

1. Blankets

Use a small blanket to cover the cage and help keep your pet warm. The best way is to wrap it around the cage or place it on top of the cage. You can also use a smaller blanket or towel if you don’t have one big enough for your cage.

2. Bedding

Use bedding that keeps your pet nice and cozy. You can use fleece, paper towels or cotton balls as bedding material in their cages. Hamsters love to burrow in these materials so they’ll sleep well while staying warm at night.

3. Warm water bottle

A warm water bottle can be placed in the cage as well. The temperature should be adjusted according to the weather so that it does not get too hot for your pet.

Make sure that there is enough room so that your hamster won’t get burned by the heat from the water bottle.

4. Heating mats

Heating mats are an option for keeping your hamster warm during the winter months. They are a great way to keep your pet’s cage at the right temperature without using too much energy.

Heating mats provide warmth directly under where your hamster sleeps and eats, which is ideal since these areas will be colder than other parts of the cage.

5. Nest

Hamsters love to sleep in a nest that is made of shredded paper or cotton wool. The nest should be big enough for the hamster to fit into but not so big that it can roll around in it.

Make sure that you do not use plastic, paper towels or any other material which might cause harm to your pet.

6. Heater

A heater is one of the best ways to keep your hamster warm during wintertime. You can place a small heater in their room so that they have a cozy place to sleep at night as well as during daytime when they’re sleeping.

However, make sure that you don’t leave them alone with a heater because it could cause an electrical fire if anything gets into contact with it.

If you have an old-fashioned electric heater or radiator, then make sure that it’s not near any flammable materials or items like paper or clothing which could catch fire easily.

7. Move hamster cage into a warmer room

Move hamster cage into a warmer room. If you don’t want to move your hamster’s cage permanently, then at least move it into a warmer room during the day.

The ideal place is somewhere between 65°F and 75°F (18°C and 24°C). If the temperature drops below 60°F (15°C), then you should put some sort of heating pad under half of the cage so that one side is warm and one side is cool.

8. Take your hamster indoor

If you have a hamster that lives outside, then it would be best if you brought it inside during the winter months so they can enjoy more time with you indoors rather than in an outdoor cage where they might get wet or cold due to the weather conditions outside.

9. Give them food that is high in fatty acids

Hamsters need food high in fatty acids during their hibernation period so that they can sustain their energy levels until spring arrives again and they can go outside again.


As long as you are prepared to keep your hamster at room temperature, it should be a fairly simple matter to learn what temperatures can hamsters live in.

Overall, you should consider that these animals may need some additional compensatory measures provided by their owner when it comes to extremes of hot or cold.

By taking the time to learn about what temperatures can hamsters survive in, however, you can help ensure that your pet stays healthy and happy for years to come.


I am a wife, mother and animal lover. I live on a hobby farm in Canada with my husband and two children. And I love hamsters!

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