Sand is a popular bedding or bathing option for hamsters because it’s inexpensive and easily replaceable. However, what kind of sand should you use for hamsters is a question asked by many hamster owners. This article will explore the different options available to determine what kind of sand to use for hamsters.
What kind of sand To for hamsters? Use plain sand that does not have any added chemicals, dyes, salt or minerals. Chinchilla or desert sand could be good options, make sure to use dry sand instead of wet sand.
The Best Hamster Sand You Can Buy
Sand Name | Types | Amount | Where To Buy |
Zoo Med ReptiSand | Desert White | 10 lbs | See Details |
Supreme Tiny Friends Farm Bathing Sand | Chinchilla Sand | 2.2 lbs | See Details |
Hamster Bathing Sand | Chinchilla Dust | 2 lbs | See Details |
Niteangel Hamster Desert Bath Sand | Natural & Real Desert Sand | 6 lbs | See Details |
BUCATSTATE Hamster Desert Sand | Desert Sand | 5.5 lbs | See Details |
How Much Sand Do I Need To Fill Up My Hamster’s Cage?
To fill up a portion of the cage, you would need about 2 to 5 lbs of sand. This will allow you enough for a deep layer that your hamster can easily dig in and play with without any problem.
Remember that the 10 lbs of sand will only fill up about half to two-thirds of an average-sized hamster’s cage i.e. 450 square Inch cage. I would recommend purchasing the largest-sized bag possible so it won’t cost you extra money when replacing it with new sand.
Once the cage has been set up and filled with sand, you must watch your pet closely to ensure they don’t get sand inside their eyes, ears, or mouth.
Can I Give My Hamster Sand From The Beach Or Calcium Sand?
No, never give your hamster beach sand from the ocean. The salt in seawater can irritate a hamster’s skin and respiratory system. Even worse, the ocean contains bacteria and parasites that might be transferred to your hamster if you use beach sand. However, if you live near a lake, river, or pond where there is no ocean water, it might be okay to use sand, but the sand must be dried and sterilized before use.
Note: You can sterilize the sand by baking it at 350° Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.
No, never use calcium sand for your hamster. Calcium additives in the sand are meant to be used by reptiles and amphibians that live on dry land. Even though some people have success using it, there is no available evidence proving what kind of benefits calcium has for a hamster’s health or habitat.
Can You Use Aquarium Gravel Instead Of Sand?

The short answer is yes! Just be aware that there are some potential downsides to using this type of bedding that do not exist when using regular play or sandbox sand.
Aquarium gravel is often used in freshwater fish tanks, but it also can also be used for hamsters. Though this type of bedding does not contain germs or bacteria like sand can, which is important for caring for your pet health. However, Aquarium gravel doesn’t provide the same level of comfort that sand will provide, but that isn’t all there is to consider. You need to take into account that aquarium gravel may have sharp edges which could pose a potential danger to your hamster.
In addition, sand can help keep your hamster’s teeth from overgrowing. However, the edges of aquarium gravel may also pose a threat to their teeth because it could cause them to break or fracture if they are sharp enough.
How Do I Clean My Hamster’s Sand?
You should clean the sand every week. The best way to do this is by sifting it through a wire mesh strainer or colander. Wire mesh will catch unwanted things like food pieces and other debris in the sand.
Changing the sand every 15 days (max 30 days) keeps odors down while also keeping things fresh for your pet! However, if left unchanged over time, some smells could become much too strong for them, making them feel uncomfortable! So remember to keep up on changing once per 15 days.
How Deep Should A Hamster Sand Bath Be?
A sand bath should be deep enough for your hamster to roll around in. However, depending on the hamster types and size, a hamster sand bath should be between 1 to 3 inches deep. ( 1 inch for Dwarf and Robo hamsters, 2 to 3 inches for Syrian hamster or another big hamster breed)
However, if you notice your little friend struggling to get up or climb out of the container, make it shallower by adding more sand!
Summary On What Kind Of Sand To Use For Hamsters
It’s important to get the right kind of sand for your hamster. Ideally, you should use a type that doesn’t have any chemicals in it and is safe if ingested ( I have mentioned a few safest and best sand for hamsters above). You also want to make sure there’s enough so they don’t feel cramped or bored while inside their cage. And finally, be mindful about how deep you fill-up the bathtub – too shallow may not provide adequate bathing space while too deep can lead to drowning hazards!