Hamsters have become popular pocket pets worldwide due to their docile nature, ease of care, and low cost. However, hamster owners may be unaware that their hamsters can be infested with various parasitic pests like mites or bugs, which cause suffering and discomfort for these little creatures. So as a hamster owner, you should know how do hamsters get mites? I did a quick research on the following topic, and here’s what I know:
How do hamsters get mites? Mites might be transferred onto the hamster’s skin if they came in contact with other animals or from their beading that is already contaminated with parasites. Sometimes they can also get mites from foods if it is too old or rotten.
Human scabies mites can also transfer to hamsters if they come in contact with people having mites. However, human scabies can’t reproduce on hamster, that means hamster will not become infected with human scabies mites, but the mites can cause rashes on hamsters skin.
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Are Mites Dangerous To Hamsters?
Mites can be very dangerous to your pet hamster, and they can cause skin irritations, hair loss and make them anemic. If left untreated, mites may even cause death for your pet.
To remove and treat mites or parasites, you should contact a veterinarian or specialized center to help you with the best-suited treatment for your pet if your pet’s skin is infested with mites.
It may be hard to spot the first signs of an infestation, so constantly checking their skin and fur is important.
You can use the soap towel method to identify the mites in the hamster. Use a white towel and soak it in soap water, then use the towel to rub on your hamster fur. If there are mites, they will stick to the white towel.
How Do I Know If My Hamster Has Mites?
If you notice that your hamster is scratching itself excessively or its fur looks thin in places, it could have mites, but the only way you will be 100% sure is if a vet carries out tests on your furry friend.
You can check for signs of possible mite infections by looking closely at the skin around your hamster’s eyes and ears for any scabs or dry patches of skin. You can also inspect their hair coat for any bald patches or flaky skin that may look a little like dandruff.
To remove the mites, you should bathe your hamster with baby shampoo or mild soap designed for sensitive skin to avoid any irritation. Then remove all the shampoo completely from the coat before drying it gently.
Will Mites Go Away On its Own?
Most of the Mites are not harmful to hamsters and will usually go away on their own. But, if your hamster has a mite infestation, you should talk to a vet about how to treat it.

If you suspect your hamster gets ill, you can use mites spray to remove mites after getting mites. However, if the condition gets serious, like hair loss or infection in the skin, it’s better to consult a veteran for proper treatment.
What Other Illnesses Could Be Mistaken For Having Mites On A Hamster?
One of the commonest illnesses which are mistaken for having mites on a hamster is scabies. Scabies is little irritating bugs that hide underneath the skin surface and cause itchiness all over the body.
It is difficult to identify because they do not turn up at once but usually show up after 2-6 weeks of infection. They tend to be worse during summer-time or warm climate as this results in increased sweating that offers more grip for the bug to hang on.
Symptoms may include rashes, intense itching all over the body, including inside thighs, underarms, around nipples or genital parts, etc.
How To Get Rid Of Hamster Mites Naturally
- Clean your hamster’s cage every day.
- Change the bedding in the cage at least once a week.
- Wash all of the toys in hot water with soap and let them dry completely before putting them back into the cage.
- Place food items that are not eaten after 24 hours outside of the cage to avoid attracting pests.
- Keep your hamster’s house, wheel, and exercise ball clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth or using an old toothbrush to scrub away any buildup.
- Avoid handling your hamster too much as this can make mites spread more quickly.
Summary on How Do Hamsters Get Mites?
Mites are hard to get rid of and should be taken seriously. If you notice your hamster scratching a lot or showing other signs that might indicate mites, it’s best to take them in for an examination by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Otherwise, they may develop more serious health problems from the stress these parasites can cause on their systems. Mite infestation is very common among pet rodents, so if you suspect something like this is happening with your furry friend, don’t hesitate to seek medical advice.